Hi Eugeny,

I don't know any way to avoid this, since AFAIK Ant has no way of 
checking for recompiled classes.

On the bright side, the binding compiler should generally be smart 
enough to avoid modifying the class files which already contain the JiBX 
bytecode enhancements (the exception would be cases where the binding 
involves recursing across <mapping> elements). Are you seeing the 
classes being modified every time the binding compiler executes?

  - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA and Web Services in Java
Training and Consulting
http://www.sosnoski.com - http://www.sosnoski.co.nz
Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

Eugeny N Dzhurinsky wrote:
> Hello there!
> I've noticed the binding ant task is always performed even in case if I invoke
> ant twice and there will be no changes in sources between ant invocations (so
> no classes will be compiled), however binding will happens twice.
> So my question is - how to avoid this weird behavior?

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