
now i found my solution:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-2"?>
        <mapping name="customer" class="data.Customer" flexible="true"
                ordered="false" allow-repeats="true">
                <value name="id" set-method="setJiXBId" get-method="getJiXBId" 
                <value name="first" set-method="setJiXBFirstName"
                        get-method="getJiXBFirstName" />
                <value name="last" set-method="setJiXBLastName"
                        get-method="getJiXBLastName" />

                <!-- ################# -->
                <!-- replaces the collection -->
                <!-- ################# -->
                <structure allow-repeats="true"
                        ordered="false" set-method="addAddress" 
get-method="getAddress" />

        <mapping name="address" class="data.Address" flexible="true"
                <value name="id" set-method="setJiXBId" get-method="getJiXBId" 
                <value name="street" set-method="setJiXBStreet"
                        get-method="getJiXBStreet" usage="required" />
                <value name="city" set-method="setJiXBCity"
                        get-method="getJiXBCity" usage="optional" nillable="false" 

using this i can add "unexpected" elements whereever i want in my XML data.


Am 25.07.2007 um 12:47 schrieb venkateswarlu a:

hi gunther,

Flexibel will ot work for collections if you wnat to use collection chaild elements you can use abstarct mapping.and you need not use that flexible attribute for structure element inside mapping .

If you use flexible attribute for mapping it will take care of all child elements in side that parent element

venkat annangi

On 7/25/07, Günther Wieser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i'm a total newbie to jixb so this might be more a question of understanding than of a problem. i went through the mailing list archive, found some interresting things but nothing solved my problems, so i'm ending up here ;-)

think about the following binding:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-2"?>
<mapping name="customer" class="data.Customer" flexible="true" ordered="false" allow-repeats="true">
<value name="id" set-method="setJiXBId" get-method="getJiXBId"/>
<value name="first" set-method="setJiXBFirstName" get- method="getJiXBFirstName"/> <value name="last" set-method="setJiXBLastName" get- method="getJiXBLastName"/>
<collection field="addresses" flexible="true" ordered="false">
<structure name="address" type="data.Address" flexible="true" ordered="false">
<value name="id" set-method="setJiXBId" get-method="getJiXBId"/>
<value name="street" set-method="setJiXBStreet" get- method="getJiXBStreet" usage="optional"/> <value name="city" set-method="setJiXBCity" get- method="getJiXBCity" usage="optional"/>

this does not compile, jixb complains about the following:
[bind] Error: All child components must define element names for flexible='true'; on collection element at (line 7, col 66, in C:/JavaDev322/JiXB Test/src/customer_binding.xml)
     [bind] Error running binding compiler
[bind] org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Binding C:/JavaDev322/ JiXB Test/src/customer_binding.xml is unusable because of validation errors

problem is: we get XML data that could have more elements than we expect, but we simply do not need to take care of this. but of course we must get jixb to ignore these during runtime.

i've tried several other ways to solve this:

i removed the collection element and added getters and setters to the structure (the setter simply adds an "address" to the list) and set "allow-repeats" to true. with this approach i ended up with a very strange situation. giving the following input, i received a strange result.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-2"?>
<street>Daham 1</street>
<city>1110 Wien</city>
<street>Daham 2</street>
<city>2220 Wien</city>
<street>Daham 3</street>
<city>3330 Wien</city>

Adding [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1] [city=1110 Wien]] Adding [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2] [city=2220 Wien]] Adding [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3] [city=3330 Wien]] Result: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [[id=333][street=Daham 3][city=3330 Wien]]] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3][city=3330 Wien]]][address= [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3] [city=3330 Wien]]]]]

as you can see, the three address object were passed to my addAddress() method with the correct values, but the final collection holds three address objects which all hold the same data!!!! weird!

so my question is:

how can i define a binding that either uses collections or can deal with collections, but allows "unknown" XML elements to exist in the data coming in without getting exceptions during runtime?


Günther Wieser

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Günther Wieser
openForce Information Technology GesmbH
Plenergasse 1
A-1180 Wien


Günther Wieser
Guglgasse 6/1/11/1
A-1110 Wien

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