Is it possible in JIBX to have a mapping which tells it to ignore any other
XML elements in this structure. Say in the below example if say the system
now starts to add another element  to the XML


but we really donot care and would ignore it, then is there any way to set
it to ignore WITHOUT changing the binding  file and binding classes. Is it
possible to define somewhere in the structure which says like "Donot throw
an error if you donot match the exact sequence, but go to the next tag
which is matches the element in the binding file "

Below would acomplish something of that , but we would then have to add it
to EVERY structure we have . basically something like turn OFF the schema

<structure usage="optional" get-method="getIgnored" set-method="setIgnored"
           unmarshaller="org.jibx.extras.DiscardElementMapper" />


             Dennis Sosnoski                                               
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             >                                                          To 
             Sent by:                  JiBX users                          
             jibx-users-bounce         <>  
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          cc 
                                       Re: [jibx-users] Extrem flattened   
             01/16/2008 11:59          binding                             
             Please respond to                                             
                JiBX users                                                 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

Hi Wolle,

I think the problem here is that you didn't specify any handling for the
<sub1.1> element, so when JiBX sees this element while unmarshalling it
assumes it's past the elements which were named in the binding - and
since it hasn't seen a <sub1.2> yet it complains about that being
missing. You should be able to just add a <structure name="sub1.1"
usage="optional"/> to your binding (as another child of the <structure
name="sub1" ordered="false"> element) to tell JiBX to discard the sub1.1
element if it sees one.

  - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA and Web Services in Java
Training and Consulting -
Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

Wolf-Dieter Mische wrote:
> Hello again,
> after my compiling problem is solved I have another one.
> I had following xml structure:
> <root>
>     <sub1>
>         <sub1.1>
>             <element1.1>text1.1</element1.1>
>             <element1.2>text1.2</element1.2>
>             <element1.3>text1.3</element1.3>
>         </sub1.1>
>         <sub1.2>
>             <element2>text2</element2>
>         </sub1.2>
>         <sub1.3>
>             <element3>text3</element3>
>         </sub1.3>
>     </sub1>
> </root>
> No how have the binding file to, if I just want to unmarshall it into one
class like this:
> public class root {
>   public String element2;
>   public String element3;
> }
> I tried it with following binding.xml, but receiving this exception:
> org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Missing required element "sub1.2"
> <binding>
>     <mapping name="root" class="org.domain.Root" ordered="false">
>         <structure name="sub1" ordered="false">
>             <structure name="sub1.2" ordered="false">
>                 <value name="element2" field="element2"/>
>             </structure>
>             <structure name="sub1.3" ordered="false">
>                 <value name="element3" field="element3"/>
>             </structure>
>         </structure>
>     </mapping>
> </binding>
> Is it possible to map such a structure?
> King regards
> Wolle

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