Hi Erik,

I don't understand how this is supposed to work.  We have 3 subclasses of the 
abstract class ForwardLinkProfileData.  If the ForwardLinkProfileData class is 
supposed to have a static factory method that creates and returns an instance 
of one of the subclasses, how does it know which of the 3 subclasses to create? 
 I see from the link you provided that the factory method can take an Object 
parameter that represents the "owning object", which in this case would be the 
VmtData object.  Am I supposed to do reflection on the VmtData object to 
determine which subclass it contains?  Then I would need to hardcode the name 
of the getter method for the ForwardLinkProfileData object and that doesn't 
seem like good practice - what if the name of the getter method is changed in 
the future, or what if the getter method has a different name in each class 
that has a reference to ForwardLinkProfileData?  Also, what if the VmtData 
object were to have 2
 ForwardLinkProfileData objects (potentially 2 different subclasses) - how 
would the factory method know which subclass to create?  Are there any examples 
for how to do this with JiBX?

Also, I put in a temporary factory method in ForwardLinkProfileData that just 
returns a new instance of one of the subclasses - just to see the resulting 
xml/xsd/wsdl files that get generated.  I did a text search for the name of the 
subclass in all the xml/xsd/wsdl files and found nothing.  I don't see how 
those subclasses will get mapped to XML if they aren't mentioned in any of the 
generated files.


 From: Erik Mulder <erik.mul...@qsd.nl>
To: S L <jibxu...@yahoo.com>; JiBX users <jibx-users@lists.sourceforge.net> 
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 3:21 AM
Subject: Re: [jibx-users] factory-method needed for abstract type

Hi S L,

You do need a factory here, as JiBX asks for. Look at it from the JiBX point of 
view: you have an XML file and want to bind to an object of an abstract type. 
Hoe can you do that if you cannot instantiate an abstract class? This is why 
JiBX asks for a factory to create a new object of the desired type, so it can 
call the setters on that object. How the factory creates the object is up to 
you, as long as it's a subclass of the requested abstract class. You say that 
you already do set objects that are subclasses of the 
'ForwardLinkProfileData' class. So make a factory that returns an object of a 
subtype, so JiBX can use that.
See http://jibx.sourceforge.net/details/binding-attributes.html#object for 
details, good luck.


On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 8:01 PM, S L <jibxu...@yahoo.com> wrote:

I am getting the following error when I run Jibx2Wsdl:
>Error: factory-method needed for abstract type 
>'ems.shared.config.ForwardLinkProfileData'; on structure element at (line 32, 
>col 91, in config_vmtBinding.xml)
>In config_vmtBinding.xml, it has:
>  <mapping abstract="true" type-name="ns4:vmtData" 
>class="ems.shared.config.vmt.VmtData">    <!-- other lines removed -->
>    <!-- this is line 32 -->    <structure map-as="ns1:forwardLinkProfileData" 
>field="fl" usage="optional" name="fl"/>
>So our VmtData class has a private field named "fl" of type 
>ForwardLinkProfileData, as well as getFl() and setFl() methods to get and set 
>the fl field.  When we call getFl() and setFl(), we are actually getting and 
>setting objects that are subclasses of the ForwardLinkProfileData class.
>I'm not sure how to go about creating a factory method for the 
>ForwardLinkProfileData class, since you can't create an instance of an 
>abstract class.  Any suggestions on how to resolve this error?
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Erik Mulder
Principal Consultant

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