I am using maven-jibx-plugin 1.2.5 for generating Java code from 
xsd-files using customization
to include Serialization.
I have a parent-module situation.
maven-jibx-plugin exists only in the module
When I use mvn install in the module everything is fine.
When I use mvn install in the parent I get the above-mentioned error.
What is the difference ?
Here the whole environment of the error message:

[WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on download: local = 
'501048857ab1691f213c430946677418c6640625'; remote = 
'56d2e83689f3473b1536a1d9f43f90b7b4b79a09' - RETRYING
[WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on download: local = 
'501048857ab1691f213c430946677418c6640625'; remote = 
'56d2e83689f3473b1536a1d9f43f90b7b4b79a09' - IGNORING
[INFO] snapshot org.apache.wicket:wicket-parent:6.13.0-SNAPSHOT: 
checking for updates from wicketstuff-core-snapshots
[INFO] snapshot org.apache.wicket:wicket-parent:6.13.0-SNAPSHOT: 
checking for updates from activiti
[INFO] snapshot org.apache.wicket:wicket-parent:6.13.0-SNAPSHOT: 
checking for updates from wicket-snapshots
[WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on download: local = 
'0e8bec754a79cf84900c521537885f8442af781e'; remote = 
'd86e0e8f5cfbb1cc777792f78f6ca85f3bfa8118' - RETRYING
[WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on download: local = 
'0e8bec754a79cf84900c521537885f8442af781e'; remote = 
'd86e0e8f5cfbb1cc777792f78f6ca85f3bfa8118' - IGNORING
[INFO] [enforcer:enforce {execution: enforce-maven}]
[WARNING] DEPRECATED [directory]: - Since binding and codegen use this 
for different directories,
use schemaLocation.
Defaults to "src/main/config" (or "src/test/config" for test cases).
[WARNING] DEPRECATED [includes]: - This name was confusing since it is 
used as a binding file pattern
for bind and a schema file pattern for code-gen.<br/>
Use includeSchemaBindings for binding and includeSchemas for schema.<br/>
<b>Note: </b>Uses the standard filter format described in the plexus
<b>Defaults value is:</b> binding.xml.
[WARNING] DEPRECATED [targetDirectory]: - This param is now the same as 
in the bind goal; change it to schemaBindingDirectory.
Defaults to "target/generated-sources" (or 
"target/generated-test-sources" for test cases)
[INFO] [jibx:schema-codegen {execution: generate-java-code-from-schema}]
[INFO] Generating Java sources in src/main/java from schemas available 
in src/main/conf...
[INFO] src/main/resources/schema-customizations.xml (Datei oder 
Verzeichnis nicht gefunden)

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