Yes, $Header$ and $Version$.  I can't imagine why we need version
information inside the file.  Can you explain why?

I don't know how I'd filter it.  I use cvs to do the merge.


On Sat, 2004-06-19 at 21:22, Sebastian Bazley wrote:
> I take it you mean $Header$ ?
> I would prefer them to be preserved, but I'm willing to lose them if
> absolutely necessary.
> However, I think we need to keep some form of version identification in each
> file.
> Maybe there is some way that the differencing can be filtered to ignore
> changes in CVS tags, and thus make the merge job easier.
> Do you use Eclipse for difference checking?
> S.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Michael Stover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2004 2:13 AM
> Subject: ban on code formatting when release branch is active
> Ugh, I hereby ban any use of auto code formatting tools when there's an
> active release branch that I have to merge into main.
> I also ban cvs header tags inside of files.  We don't use them and they
> also make merges tedious.
Michael Stover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Apache Software Foundation

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