I see two good options for you:
1.  There is a new LogParser Sampler (and now a LogParser Controller soon to be added) 
that reads access logs and creates HTTPSamplers on the fly.  The LogParser and 
are interfaces you could implement to parse your CSV files.  The downside here is that 
it's not 
a great solution for load testing, since the parsing is somewhat heavy.  It also 
doesn't support 
making assertions on the fly.
2. JMeter has routines to load .jmx files and convert them into JMeter TestElement 
You could implement a new loading mechanism that likewise reads your csv files and 
TestElements.  To do this, you'd just have to make a new action class (like 
org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.Load) that does this - most of the code exists and you 
copy/extend it, but add your own file parsing.  You'd then also have to add a new menu 
(ie Open CSV, or something).  The downside here is that you'd be digging a little 
deeper into 
the internals of JMeter's GUI system, which has a somewhat steep learning curve.  It 
also result in very high memory usage if you have large csv files that represent many 
samplers and assertions.


On 30 Oct 2003 at 16:54, Dan Yuen wrote:

> We are considering moving our application testing over
> to jMeter and are looking at how we would need to
> modify jMeter to fit our company needs.  Specifically,
> we have a test generation tool that produces a csv
> file which contains, among other things, inputs for
> test cases (which I'm thinking would convert into
> Samplers) and expected outputs (which I'm thinking
> would get converted into Assertions for those
> Samplers).  
> What would be the best way to convert the csv data
> into Samplers and Assertions?  Are there certain
> classes that can easily be extended so that I can read
> a csv file and convert each line into a Sampler with
> associated Assertions and add them to my Test Plan? 
> Or would it be much easier and quicker to just write a
> csv to jmx converter?  
> It seems the latter would be quicker in the short run
> but would require running the converter as an
> intermediate step before we run jMeter.  So, before we
> make a decision on which road to take, I'm trying to
> get my arms around what would be involved with
> extending jMeter to use the csv file directly.
> Can you help?  If so, thanks for any advice/direction
> you can give.
> Dan Yuen
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