The URL Rewriter is sometimes limited in the kind of strings it can handle. Your's seems to contain a space after the "SID:", which probably breaks it.

I would recommend to use a RegExp extractor on the 1st request, then use the variable you obtained to include the session id in subsequent requests.



Pep Serrano wrote:
Dear all,

I need some help to use the URL rewriting please.

I am testing a web application with login and sesion IDs:
- The first request is a validation login that returns back a Session ID
(number of 64 digits),
- The following requests must include the SID as part of the URL parameters.

So I am trying to use the URL rewriting to compose the request URL, but it
doesn't work for me. Where the SID returned in the first request is
something like "SID:
the URL rewriting inserts the parameter "&SID=%3A" in the following
request URLs.

What am I doing wrong?

Cheers Pep Serrano.

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