
Depends what you understand by fine :). It would be easier with an example
of test-plan and what do you expect to happen.

- sample1
- sample2
- sample3
- Timer
- results tree

If timer is constant timer, than they will be executed in the same order.
If timer is gaussian random timer, than it depends on the times. For
deviation=25000, offset=10000, there is no telling what the order would be,
because it randomises the delay timer, that's the whole purpose.

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Suresh Rajachar

> Hi,
> I am using Guassian Random Timer(GRT) in my test plan.
> Surprisingly, the samples are not getting executed in the order they have
> recorded. Some of the threads are not running all the way through the
> script.
> If i use the constant timer, it works fine. But, i want to use GRT to have
> varieties in think time.
> Any suggestions for this please ?
> Regards,
> Suresh R

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