On 2005-03-01 (13:38) William Reusch wrote:

>Hi Tim,
>You raise some interesting points, and I will try to obtain the
>information pertaining to them. The data I cited came from a brief
>(ca. 2 week period) in early January. Repeat hits were not factored
>out. MSIE was far and away the most used browser, followed by Firefox
>and Netscape. Safari use was 30% of Netscape. I need to work with our
>computer techs to improve the kind of information they are collecting.
>When I have more useful data from a longer time period I will report
>Thanks for your interest.

that would be great; thanks Bill!

Timothy Driscoll
molvisions - see, grasp, learn.
usa:north carolina:wake forest

"As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods. They kill us for their sport." - 
William Shakespeare

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