It's not a repository, but I do have a few of the structures you mention
(cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron) on my site

If you look closely (show history) you'll find they're constructed from
atoms (whatever was convenient) manually connected using the CONNECT
command.  The manual connections are required since they are not real
structures -- the default bonds that Jmol draws don't look too great.

As Bob suggests, you can use the DRAW command to draw faces.  The only
difficulty is faces with more than four sides.  For the dodecahedron my site
uses a combination of three-sided and four-sided figures to "stitch
together" a five-sided face.

I hope this is of some help.

Dean Johnston

On 9/6/07 5:55 PM, "Robley Light" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Its been a while since I've monitored this list, so forgive me if this is a
> question that has been asked and answered in the past.
> I'm working on a project related to some lower-grade math and science and I
> would like to use Jmol to display a variety of 3D solids (the five platonic
> ones, perhaps plus some other irregular ones).
> I can use ChemDraw to make a "cube" and "tetrahedron" of carbon atoms, save
> as a mol file, bring into Chem3D, delete the hydrogens, and
> "minimize"--producing a passable mol or pdb file for a cube and a
> tetrahedron.  I can probably spend some time trying to figure out the
> coordinate values to make the bonds longer, and I understand I can use
> Jmol.js commands to work on how to display these structures (still trying to
> learn that).
> Before trying to do this with more complex shapes, though, does anyone know
> of a repository of such geometric files that have already been created?
> (I've spent a couple of hours with Google with out success).  Or, does
> anyone have a suggestion of how to do this more easily (and elegantly)?
> Thanks.
> Robley Light
> *************************************************************
> Robley J. Light                 Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and
> Biochemistry
> Department of Chemistry         Phone:   (850) 644-3844
>    and Biochemistry   Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 95 Chieftan Way     Fax:      (850) 644-8281
> Florida State University     Home Page:
> Tallahassee, FL 32306-4390

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