Hi Jaime,

I was going to change the collation through phpMyAdmin  (it seems possible)
and hoping everything would go well.
I am still not sure which one to use when I see your configuration (I
currently have latin1_swedish_ci).
My access to the MySQL database is limited to phpMyAdmin, so I can't fiddle
with MySQL itself.


On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 6:47 AM, <jaime.prilu...@weizmann.ac.il> wrote:

> According to "Nicolas Vervelle" <nverve...@gmail.com>:
> > Could you tell me the collation you are using in the Proteopedia wiki ?
> Is
> > it "utf8_unicode_ci", "utf8_bin" or some other collation ?
> > I will use the same on my database and it should do the trick.
> Hi Nico,
> This is the current general mysql setup on Proteopedia,
> Individual tables hold not special collation nor character definitions.
> | character_set_client            | latin1
> | character_set_connection        | latin1
> | character_set_database          | latin1
> | character_set_filesystem        | binary
> | character_set_results           | latin1
> | character_set_server            | latin1
> | character_set_system            | utf8
> | character_sets_dir              | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
> | collation_connection            | latin1_swedish_ci
> | collation_database              | latin1_swedish_ci
> | collation_server                | latin1_swedish_ci
> I understand that you're trying to migrate between character sets hoping
> for
> mysql to deal with the comparisons, hence having problems with collations.
> Have you tried doing the job on a scripting language (perl, php, ...) by
> retrieving
> a raw page from the source wiki, converting it in your script, and
> uploading the
> 'ported' page onto the new wiki?
> Jaim
> --
>  Dr Jaime Prilusky                      | jaime.prilu...@weizmann.ac.il
>  Head Bioinformatics                    |
>  R&D Bioinformatics and Data Management |
>  Department of Biological Services      |
>  Weizmann Institute of Science          | fax: 972-8-9344113
>  76100 Rehovot - Israel                 | tel: 972-8-9344959
>  OCA, http://oca.weizmann.ac.il (the protein structure/function database)
>  Proteopedia, http://proteopedia.org (because life has more than 2D)
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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