Dear Anbang Li,

Thanks for bringing this to attention. It's great that you are 
interested on localization of the Export to Web module.

> First of all, no matter what language I choosed, the text below the
> label of "Introduction" is always in English. I want to ask, how can I
> translate them?

The interface is translated with the same system as the Jmol 
application and applet, except for some items (big portions of text); 
those are probably the ones you are seeing in English. You are 
welcome to contribute translations and they will automatically be 
available in the next prelease (12.1.x)

I am checking now the status of zh_CN translation
and surprisingly it seems that the 12.1 series has not started to 
being translated, while the 12.0 series is mostly translated (357 of 
374 strings). That's strange, since 12.1 has inherited from 12.0. 
Maybe the translation was done later. It would be important to copy 
all translations to the latest prerelease, I will check that with 

So, first question: Are you using 12.0 ior 12.1?

Second: Do you see all the E2W interface in English, or only some 
words? (when you use Jmol 12.0.x)

For a better definition of the problem, it would help if you send  
some screenshots where the problems are displayed. You can send them 
to me directly at aherraez(AT)

Anyway, you can go ahead and translate 12.0 or 12.1 using either the 
PO system or the Launchpad online system (which is easier for 
nonexperienced translators). 
Instructions are provided at
Feel free to ask for more help if you need it.

> Second, when I view the created webpage, I found the encoding of the
> normal text in the webpage is right, but the encoding of the widgets
> is NOT right, I have to change the encoding of the widgets ( "GB2312"
> for zh_cn) by hand. Maybe this need to be checked.

This we need to check. Probably we have not had any previous  
experience with double-bit character sets in the E2W module.
Are you seeing "GB2312" literally?  I think that it should be set by 
default to "iso-8859-1".
 Either me or Jonathan Gutow will let you know when whe check this.

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