I see that on your link below, Firefox works fine, but Safari and Opera will 
not load any of the RCSB files.   Is this the same issue?  (Mac with all 

On Sep 1, 2013, at 9:47 PM, Robert Hanson <hans...@stolaf.edu> wrote:

> From another  thread:
> Geoff Rowland wrote:
> Finally, I have recently noticed that Opera (latest version 12.16 on Windows 
> 7 or Fedora 19) is no longer displaying JSmol for binary files (e.g. .pse, 
> .pdb.zip)  on, say, http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/jsmol/jsmol.htm
> This was all working with Opera a few weeks ago though I'm not sure if recent 
> Opera or JSmol updates have broken things. Perhaps related to the recent 
> removal of 'JSmol hacks to jQuery'' which otherwise seems to work well.
> Exactly. I missed that. It should also affect Mac users. Took me 4 hours to 
> learn my little lesson about jQuery. Mia culpa! I'll get that updated. I note 
> that Opera on my Windows 8 machine is useless with JSmol/HTML5....
> Bob
> -- 
> Robert M. Hanson
> Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
> St. Olaf College
> Northfield, MN
> http://www.stolaf.edu/people/hansonr
> If nature does not answer first what we want,
> it is better to take what answer we get. 
> -- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
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