In reading the proposed AJAX specification more carefully (,
we might be OK with the actual proposed specification as it stands. What
threw me off was the word "must" in the warning and the suggestion that
browser developers shut down all synchronous transport as an "experiment".
There's definitely a wording problem there, as the specification itself
(just above the warning) is not hardly so dire and specifically does not
use the word "must":

The open() method...
Throws an "InvalidAccessError
<>" exception if
async is false, the JavaScript global environment
is a document environment
and either the timeout
attribute is not zero, the withCredentials
attribute is true, or the responseType
attribute is not the empty string.

While I don't exactly see why those caveats are there, we don't set
timeout, we don't use withCredentials, and the responseType we use is the
empty string, so actually, this is no change from the standards of 2012 as
far as I can see.

So my only issue is with the wording of that warning, which seems totally
out of place and out of character for a proposed specification.

I have made an official request for a wording change and have heard from
the Chair of the w3c working group. Let's see where that goes and leave it
as that for now; I will keep you informed.


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