Mike and Jennifer,

Previous chain getting too long (bounce long!), and none of us truncated - 

Re Quiz Answers, Shhhh, tell no one...

This is a classic encryption technique that’s weak and easy for cryptographers 
to break. Your students will never figure it out! It makes use of the obscure 
(and obtuse) XOR logic operator (^). Basically, it diddles ascii character 
binary bits in such a way that the encryption and decryption functions are one 
and the same. The encrypted data (see code below) is stored in 
globalAnswerHolder. While this is a string, don’t try to view it. It can 
contain many non-printable characters. The intKey argument is simply an integer 
encryption key - e.g. 100. Actually, it’s the integer’s binary equivalent that 
is the key.

var globalAnswerHolder;
function encryptAndDecrypt(strDataToProcess, intKey) {
        var strBuilder = "";
        for(i=0;i < strDataToProcess.length;i++) {
                strBuilder += String.fromCharCode(intKey ^ 
        globalAnswerHolder = strBuilder;

Just pass globalAnswerHolder through the function again to decrypt.

Of course your students could do this also, so obscure the function:

var theBoyCouldPlay;
function Ish(Mark, Knopfler) {
        var Kabbible = "";
        for(i=0;i < Mark.length;i++) {
                Kabbible += String.fromCharCode(Knopfler ^ Mark.charCodeAt(i));
        theBoyCouldPlay = Kabbible;

Your students will be in Comedic Dire Straits (ouch)!

Otis Rothenberger

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