
This concerns Jmol Version: 14.6.1_2016.08.11  2016-08-11 22:11.

There is an issue with reading/recognising xyz files. On the wiki page 
http://wiki.jmol.org/index.php/File_formats/Formats/XYZ those are described as 
having two header lines per step in a multi-step format, the first of which 
states "the number of atoms in that step. This integer may be preceded by 
whitespace; anything on the line after the integer is ignored.”

However, if there is anything after the integer, the xyz file is no longer 
recognised and the load command gives up with “script ERROR: unrecognised file 
format for file broken.xyz". I attach two files which only differ by a 
supposedly ignored character after the number of atoms, and both fulfil the 
standard given in the wiki.

So, at the moment there is a discord between documentation and code. I’d prefer 
this was fixed in the code, so I don’t have to change a bunch of xyz files.



Peter Brommer

Attachment: broken.xyz
Description: Xmol XYZ data

Attachment: working.xyz
Description: Xmol XYZ data

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