I am trying to visualize the overall electron density of a molecule on a 
planar slice.

Unfortunately, the following combinations of commands do not work:

         mo density

         mo plane "xy"


         mo [1.0 1, 1.0 2, 1.0 3, 1.0 4, 1.0 5] SQUARED

         mo plane "xy"

It seems that "mo plane" invariably combines the orbitals linearly 
instead of summing up their squares.

I would appreciate some hints very much,

Thank you very much


Urs Leisinger
Fachschaft Chemie
Kantonsschule Zug
Lüssiweg 24
6300 Zug

Urs Leisinger
Fachschaft Chemie
Kantonsschule Zug
Lüssiweg 24
6300 Zug

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