Am 30.01.17 um 22:58 schrieb Jörg Saßmannshausen:
> Dear all,
> I seem to have a display problem when I am trying to open cartesian (xyz)
> files: quite often the P-C bond is not drawn which means the molecule looks
> wrong.
> If I am using Molden to view the structure it is perfectly ok. Exporting the
> structure from Molden as a xyz file and opening that file in jmol causes this
> problem. However, if I am exporting it as a mol or mol2 file the same 
> structure
> is ok apart from an odd looking pyridine ring (two double bonds or three).
> I usually save the coordinates as a cartesian file as most journals would like
> to have the coordinates of the final geometry as cartesians.
> I am aware of the connect command so that would be a way out of it but I would
> have thought that the standart P-C bonds will be drawn automatically
> Is there something I do wrong or why does jmol has this problem?
> I am using Jmol-14.8.0 and one of the latests Oracle java on Debian Wheezy.
> Any suggestion?
I have no experience with 'xyz' files, but maybe the 'autobond' 
parameter is switched off and it could help to switch it on first:

set autobond on;


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