Tom Grey, who is listed in the Jmol hall of fame, occupied a student desk in 
the communal comp chem section where  I was, and he must have filled me in on 
the early developments.  I know that  Java was released in mid 1996, and apps  
started emerging in 1997. Perhaps  Jmol was developed/gestated relatively  
“silently” during the period 1997-2001?, before it acquired a sourceforge 
presence (SF was only founded in 1999 and released for use in 2000!).  

I have literally just (re)discovered this page from 1997: <>  (Last Update: 
August 11, 1997) which lists a whole bunch of java applets developed around  or 
less than a year since the language was released by Sun.  

This one, 
<>  was written around August 1996 by 
a french student Guillaume Cottenceau  visiting London, and it still works!   I 
wonder what happened to him?

This one <>  
comes from August 1997  and contains NMR and MS spectral viewers which also 
still work!

So despite all the security issues etc, 20 year old  Java is still capable of 

My reason for posing the question "Jmol Anniversaries?”  is that  I thought the 
20th anniversary might have been approaching.   Perhaps indeed it has? (PS the 
server <>  started operation in 
August 1993 and probably contains a treasure trove of historical items which 
might reveal an answer?)

Henry Rzepa,

> On 7 Jun 2017, at 09:26, C Anthony Lewis <> wrote:
> Hi Henry,
> I guess the jmol-user list archive 
> ( 
> <>) might help with dates 
> for at least the last two. I note this archive goes back to 18/4/2001 at this 
> location, with the first message being one from you. However, this seems to 
> be a follow-up to an earlier message but I’m not sure where earlier messages 
> are archived, although I may have saved something locally.
> Anthony

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