Thanks, Bob

> Well, if you wrote the page, you should know, right? ;)

Not necessarily ;-)  I mean, applets are generated quasi-automated by some 
back-end code.

> All applets are registered in Jmol._applets.

Could be. The problem is to know which of those is involved at a certain 

All this is for automatic, generalized code being run behind the curtains in 
Proteopedia. We are after ways for a "scene" (that links to a state script) to 
do something in the page area related to that JSmol object.

So I thought that the safest way would be to call this from within JSmol, 
instead of from the page, since the same "scene" link may be applied to 
different JSmols.

I have managed a solution using an echoCallback. Not too clean, but seems 
to do the trick.

Page JavaSscript has this:

function readTheApplet() {
  window['calledAppletID'] = arguments[0].replace(/jmolapplet/i,'');

and the Jmol script has this:

set EchoCallback "readTheApplet";
set echo dum 0 0; echo "."; 
set EchoCallback none; echo;

The global Javascript variable "calledAppletID" in the page then will hold the 

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