In a message dated 10/24/01 5:20:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I can't find a thing that Gere said that would cause offense to anyone. >>

I agree. And although I try to stay out of these political discussions, I 
have to say that it's just too bad that these firemen and police officers -- 
whose epic bravery and dedication to their jobs have made them heroes to 
people all over the world -- didn't choose to take the high road that night. 
Especially at a time when we really do need heroes. 

Putting the whole Richard Gere debacle aside for a moment, I am also saddened 
that they booed and jeered Hillary Rodham Clinton. I know she is probably one 
of the most hated people in American history, but I wish she had been treated 
with more respect. She is, after all, a US Senator and a former First Lady. 
And whether she was there to honor the victims and the heroes of September 11 
or to further her own agenda, the event was neither the time nor the place to 
engage in such boorish behavior. 

I am no fan of Senator Clinton, but I see no reason for her or anyone else -- 
with the exception of bin Laden himself -- to have been treated so badly at 
this event. 


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