Kakki responded to Michael Y. (whose name I was delighted to see

"No one has commented on the students on a number of campuses
being banned from flying American flags, putting up signs that say
"Proud to
be an American," and having pro-American rallies.  This is more my point
than anything - the either subtle or overt control of students personal
beliefs, etc."

Kakki, I'm honestly curious, and you've mentioned this several times
now.  Do you have any idea how many times these instances have occurred?

I don't doubt that they have occurred, but would appreciate any
information you may have about how widespread they have been.

I have heard anecdotal stories of the *reverse* happening:  students in
K-12 schools and universities being made to feel, mainly by their peers
or perhaps individual instructors, that their *pacifist* ideas were not
welcome.  Certainly, in especially the first several weeks after
September 11, those views were in the minority.  But, as I said, this is
completely anecdotal, or at least, I can't document it right now.

Again, I'm curious--and always interested in any aspect of free speech
and education.

Mary P.

P.S.  I did briefly peruse the FIRE site, and, if I recall, it listed
several examples there.

And, after this one, I promise not to direct any e-mail at Kakki for
about TWO WEEKS!!  At least, those are my very best intentions at the
moment.  ;-)

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