Wally...you are too sweet...you can come here to my Queen Anne
home...you would fit right in...and freeze your sweet ass off if you
went outside...you are welcome here any time.  :)  

Serving her sweet Wally some lemon bread.....

Wally Kairuz wrote:
> oh sharon, love of my life: lemon bread!!!!! blustery winds!!!!! the best
> honey i've ever ever ever had!!!!!! your smile!!!!! can i live in your
> planet please?
> as to the weather here, it's coming. it's round the corner. murderous buenos
> aires summer will be here any day now. and that will be the end of wally K.
> something's been telling me i won't survive this one. this year i am totally
> unequipped to go through summer, the dog days, the nightmarishly hot hours,
> days, weeks. the loneliness of summer. i just don't have the moral
> fortitude.
> wallyK

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