Sharon wrote:

> Serving tea and crumpets to Mack....sitting down at the
> is always good to question.  Not enough people questioned the
> Nazi's and I lost family because of that.  I am not in any way comparing
> the US to Nazi's but it is a good thing for us to question whether
> bombing the Taliban really knocks out the 'enemy'.

Sharon, I now officially love you and thank you for the wide grin that just
creased my face.

That is exactly my point Sharon.  We should have questioned the Nazis and,
thank goodness, we did more than that.  In comparison, since you brought it
up, I am sure there were very many innocent Germans killed in that war and
the thought makes me very sad but how else would we now be living in a free
society?  We can sit back and question and debate and worry if we are doing
the right thing until they take the croquet mallet, (while we are playing
croquet after the crumpets and tea which they gladly ingested), and bash us
in the head with it for making them play a game that is not to their liking.
The Great Satan.  ,
> Do the Taliban just live in one part of Afghanistan?  And what about the
> millions of innocent people who have been forced to cross into Pakistan?

The people in Afghanistan have been starving ever since the Taliban took
over and, no doubt, would have continued to do so.
> I present these questions to you because there is no one
> easy answer.

 But it is always good to question.  My republican parents
> raised me and my sister to do just that.  And believe me Dad and I
> had many arguments over the viet nam war.  But I have always remembered
> him telling me "Question everything and do so respectfully but do it,
> even if I do not agree with you I will always respect your right to do
> so".

As far as being respectful, I do try and do not seem to not be so.  I,
however, do not see that some of the things said to Kakki were respectful
and that is why I entered this forum in the first place.  Guess I get over
protective sometimes but should know she needs no help from me.
> When you first joined the JMDL I remember you stating that you stood for
> unconditional love.  I believe the other JMDL people who agree or
> disagree with what the US is doing in Afghanistan respect the right to
> state different and varied opinions.

And that is exactly what I did Sharon.  This is exactly the point of what
goes on here.  I have never once told someone not to state their opinion but
when someone states an opinion such as this, supporting what we are doing
there, we are made to feel as if we said something wrong.  I said nothing
> Placing a slice of freshly baked lemon bread on Mack's plate...

And thank you very much, it is delicious.

> and continuing....discussion of our history be it sullied or pure as the
> driven snow is what our democracy is all about Mack.  :)

I won't even get into that.

:Peace back at you.


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