Ashara wrote:

> On the question of how have your paintings changed since September 11th?
> says, "There were two wars in my life on September 11th. I broke up with
> boyfriend. He complained that I repeat myself too much, and I 'do' repeat
> myself too much. Especially now because I'm writing my book, so I'm
writing a
> lot of my yarns in the oral tradition." She said she took a lot of
> with a paper camera on September 11th, and she saw a lot of figures in the
> smoke. She started painting what she called "repetism," doing 5 double
> images. She said by painting, it helped her to become emotionally

Thanks for reposting these, theybre ba blot beasier bto bread bnow (sorry,
couldn't help myself)!  I wish I'd been there - it must have been a
wonderful evening.

But I also saw the reference to writing her book, and wondered if I'd read
it correctly?  I'm glad to have it confirmed - I can see a "must-have" in
every jmdlers Xmas stocking, for 2002 maybe?!  Here's hoping, anyway!

"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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