1.      Introduction:
Compliments of the day to you all and hope this mail brings you all up to
speed on current issues affecting COJOSA.
So much have been read and talked about on The Committee Of Friends –
‘Nite Of The Red Necks’ (before and after the event) which held on the 9th of 
March, 2013 @ Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja. 
I was invited to the event by virtue of my being the current President of
COJOSA – Abuja Chapter. The E – vite was very clear regarding attendance as
such l didn’t even attend with my spouse.
2.      My Expectation:
I saw this event and the invitation extended to other Chapter Presidents
(within Nigeria and Abroad) as an opportunity for the Chapter Presidents  to 
meet and brainstorm on how best we can
move the COJOSA family together, especially with the modalities of the
formation of a National/International Executive Council which will be charged
with the responsibility of coordinating the affairs of the various chapters and
will be the point of engagement with the CSSJ Authorities, The Army, The
Organised Private Sector, The Government, etc on our behalf.
On the afternoon of Saturday 9th March, 2013 we met at Georgio
Hotel Maitama, Abuja. In attendance were the following Chapter Presidents;
1.      Anthony Akhidenor – Abuja
2.      Barka Saleh – Lagos
3.      Tajudeen Yahaya – Port Harcourt
4.      Kaase Fyanka – Makurdi
5.      Sogbeye George – Akwa Ibom
6.      Kudirat Balogun – Ibadan
7.      Kofo Owojori – Uk/Ireland
8.      Mary Tombiri – Ero          - N/America
Simon Yiltok of Jos Chapter was
unavoidably absent.
colleagues nominated me to chair the meeting as it was been held in my domain –
            Hakeem Oyewo for reasons best known
to him decided to attend the meeting instead of Kudirat Balogun who is the bona
fide President of Ibadan chapter (I must commend kudirat for her maturity
despite the apparent provocation- these are aspects of ‘Seniority’ we should
strive to avoid).
The meeting
resolved as follows;
i.                    Setting
up an Interim National Executive to establish the framework for a National
Convention with the aim of electing officers into the National Executive
Council (NEC) of COJOSA which will supervise and bring the Chapters together
for our collective good and that of CSSJ.
ii.                  That
there is a distinct difference between an Ex-Student of CSSJos and a member of
iii.                The
event tagged ‘Nite of The Red Necks’ was deemed to be a good idea and
commendable however, we observed that its promoters did not handle the issue of
information follow well enough and thus created room for various sentiments and
rumours to fly freely.  However, it
afforded the Chapter Presidents the rare opportunity to meet physically and
discuss for the first time.
iv.                 The
‘presidential meeting’ ended with a plan to meet after 3 months (22nd June, 
2013- the 3rd Saturday in June) in Abuja. This was to enable
us meet with our members and brief them of our meeting and the proposed plans
and report back in order to make relevant decisions.
3.      The Event Proper:
It goes without saying that the event was put together mostly by persons
from the 82 – 84 sets. They invited and honoured the 1st Principal
of CSSJ, some of the teachers that taught them, and they honoured the
All this was quite commendable and l applaud them for that.
This is where it should have ended based on the program of event which
the circulated. But Alas that was not to be.  
‘The Coup’:
I use the
above word because that was what happened. 
In the
course of the Dinner, some ‘Seniors’ called me to say that they have set up an
Interim National Committee for COJOSA to work out modalities for a National
Convention, etc. I informed them that we had already met earlier in the day and
certain decisions have already been taken towards all these plans and they
should be patient as members of the various chapters needed to be briefed
My advise
and protestations was ignored as they told me they had already made plans to
make the announcements in the hall. I had to walk out in order to keep my cool.
However some other schoolmates pleaded with me to come to back to the Hall.
‘Seniors’ through the COF (Committee Of Friends) went beyond their Mandate (if
any). They told you and l that they wanted to honour the first 3 Generals
produced from CSSJ and it was to be a ‘private matter’. Why should COJOSA issue
come up? Establishment of the Interim National Exco with positions given to
Recommendations/My Position:
i.                    All
the Real Commandos (COJOSA Members) MUST denounce and reject this group of ‘Bad
Seniors’ and their Dictatorial tendencies,’ the Interim National Executive’
which is the brain child of persons who have NO MANDATE to take such decisions
on our behalf.
I hereby reject and
distance myself from this committee as constituted it was a ploy to add my name
and others to legitimise an illegality. It has failed.
ii.                  Command
Secondary School Jos Alumni Association is duly registered with the Corporate
Affairs Commission (CAC). It is a legal entity that can sue and be sued. It is
not a body that can be toyed or fooled with, anyone who does should be prepared
to face theMUSIC. It was
incorporated on 23rd November 2010 .The Trustees of COJOSA are well
known to members. So usurpers BEWARE!!!!
Any plan by anyone or
group of persons to hijack this Association through the back door will be
Any genuine
plan/proposals concerning the growth of COJOSA MUST involve the active
involvement of the Trustees and the 7 Chapter Presidents In Nigeria as the
stand today. 
iii.                The
Trustees and the seven (7) Chapter presidents in Nigeria– Abuja, Lagos, Port
Harcourt, Jos, Makurdi, Ibadan and Akwa Ibom should go ahead with our plans and
decisions reached by the Chapter presidents on 9th March, 2013 at
Georgio Hotel, Maitama.
iv.                 All
Ex-students of CSSJ who are interested in joining COJOSA should endeavour to
register with any of the listed chapters within Nigeria and Abroad as efforts
are in top gear to publish a comprehensive list of duly registered and
financially up to date members of the Association worldwide. A web site for
members will soon be operational as we need our own UNIQUE forum to discuss
COJOSA matters.
Note that membership is
v.                   All
those who planned and executed this ‘Coup’ should apologise to the whole house
for their desperate attempts to hijack COJOSA through the back door.
This is the season of
apologies and they should be humble enough to retrace their steps.  
vi.                 For
COJOSA to grow we must eliminate this MADNESS called ‘SENIORITY SYNDROME’.
A situation whereby
‘Seniority’ rather than ‘Merit, Competence, Dedication and Discipline’ holds
sway can never lead to the peace and progress of any Association.
We should be able to speak freely
I wish to
appeal to the duly registered members of COJOSA to remain alert and focused as
persons who have failed to do anything for CSSJ over the years have now
discovered that they can use COJOSA as a Platform to gain Political favour and
Government patronage.
resist these ‘Locust’ and we will defend the integrity of COJOSA by any means
possible, by GOD we will.
needs people who are GIVERS and NOT TAKERS
needs people who are ready, willing and able to sacrifice their Time, Talent,
Financial and Material Resources without expecting REWARDS.
The days of
Note that no
matter your year of graduation, you will have more Juniors than Seniors in
time, thus we must treat all our so called Juniors with respect. 
Success does not
consider age or year of graduation.
Holding  a ‘Private Event’ in Transcorp Hilton for a
few hours those not earn you that Right. 
I will like
to advise that before you reply (you have a right to), kindly read this mail
again, take a deep breath then look at the mirror and ask yourself;
1.      What is COJOSA, am l a member (good
or bad)?
2.      What have l done for CSSJ and COJOSA
individually and collectively in the past 10 years depending on when you
3.      Am l a Builder or a Destroyer?
I look
forward to reading from the Man/Woman in the Mirror.
Long Live
COJOSA, Long Live CSSJ, Long Live the Fed. Republic Of Nigeria.
Eromosele Akhidenor
Class of
President –

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