On Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:52:38 +0200, Sebastian Klein wrote:

> Hi,
> who is managing the mailing list? I would appreciate, if mails sent to
> the list would have
> Reply-To: josm-dev@openstreetmap.org
> in the header. This way you can answer more easily to the list.

Reply-To: is a human-only header, to indicate where replies to the author 
should go, not where replies to the list should go.  Mailing lists are 
supposed to set List-Id to indicate the mailing list reply address, which 
this one does.  Modern mailers (save for gmail, which Google would prefer 
you use Google Groups for such use) have "Reply-to-List."

All of OSM's lists are also carried on gmane.org as 

I suggest you investigate your options rather than expecting the lists to 
do something that doesn't comply with accepted best practices.

josm-dev mailing list

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