At 2012-05-02 06:51, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
2012/5/2 Alan Mintz <>:
> At 2012-05-01 19:01, Russ Nelson wrote:
> Having said that, because I rarely draw buildings, most of the time I end up
> moving a way in JOSM, it's a mistake. It usually happens when trying to
> select one of the midpoint 'x' to create a new node and position it, and
> selecting the whole way instead. Longer ways are protected by a dialog that
> warns you, but I'd like to see the same for shorter ways.

you could achieve this by lowering the threshold in preferences.

True, once the ability to disable it for just one session existed, for the occasions when I'm drawing or editing buildings.

Actually with the lastest version as of now I saw that there seems to
be no warning dialogue any more (at least I moved lots of geometry and
there was no warning). Maybe regression?

Would you confirm and ticket that? I usually notice that it's happened from the visual cue of the way being highlighted, but not always. I'm sure I'm not alone. I've come across damage from this in the past and it's a pain to fix after other edits have occurred in the area.

Alan Mintz <>

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