This function may be done with a search, it does not forbid us to create a
new action for it in the plugin for those who do not master the search
operators :) it's OK to create a ticket, just make sure to include your
documentation in the code and to use the "select" menu for it :)
Le 17 août 2013 02:00, "Peter" <> a écrit :

> Hi
> I wrote a new selection action for the utilsplugin2.
> Since i read an announcement from some month ago where the
> 'new' function could already be realized by a search i ask here
> before i put the patch in the JOSM trac.
> Since it doesn't depend on anything in utilsplugin2 it maybe
> also integrated in any other place.
> I patched my own version of the plugin, so the (small) code
> is tested.
> I already wrote some documentation, so i just append it here:
> Function: Select shared nodes
> =============================
> Purpose:
> -------
> Separate ways which share nodes, e.g. landuse and highway or landuse and
> landuse.
> Some mappers share a lot of nodes, glueing highways and landuse together.
> Editing in those areas is difficult.
> Also one may find other uses for 'select shared nodes'.
> Doku:
> -----
> This function selects those nodes that are shared by all selected ways.
> In other words, if you look at ways as sets of nodes, it selects the
> intersection of those nodesets.
> If more than one way is selected all shared nodes are selected
> as just described.
> If no way is selected nothing is selected afterwards.
> If one way is selected, after invocation all of its nodes
> are selected that are shared by at least one other way.
> # Older Version, maybe reactivated:
> # If one way is selected, after invocation all nodes of that
> # way are selected, independent if the way shares nodes with other ways.
> [here i have some more text with images]
> Peter
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