On Mon, 28 Oct 2013, Dirk Brünig wrote:

a wile ago I start to enhance the plugin tracer. And now it is time to make it available for all josm user. Since the new tracer2 use some code from tracer (plugin and server). I won't to know witch license I have to use.

The tracer plugin is under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 can I put the new tracer2 under Version 3 ?

This depends on the exact license conditions. The text in the osm SVN states "under GPL". This usually means "verion 1 or any later one". As license version two is included I'd assume "version 2 and any later one is meant".

The server I check out from
There is also an License file. But it is in written in Czech.
Program lze bez omezení použít pro pøípravu dat do projektu
OpenStreetMap. Program lze bez omezení šíøit a mìnit s tím, že bude
zachována a pøiložena tato licence. Program ale nelze použít pro
pøípravu dat, které by byly komerènì využity, aniž by pøed tímto
využitím byly uploadovány do projektu OpenStreetMap pod licencí,
kterou OSM vyžaduje.
Can I use code from the server and put it under a GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

This text seems incompatible with GPL.

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