The May release is now available as version 7182 :)

As said before, this version is the first tested version compatible only
with Java 7 or later.

Java 7 is used today by 91% of users running JOSM 7000 or above. 5% are
running Java 8, and only 4% are still running Java 6.

If you're still running Java 6 and would like to update, you have to:
- On Windows, go to and download Java 7
- On Mac OSX, same. But you should have a look to the Oracle FAQ at The important thing is
that Java 7 requires an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X version 10.7.3
(Lion) or above.
- On Linux, install the Java 7 package (for example, openjdk-7-jre on

Like for the previous migration (Java 5 to 6), the previous version (7000)
will remain available on JOSM website for several years, so if you're stuck
on Java 6, you will be able to download it again if needed.

For more details about Java 7 migration, see

This version brings a lot of technical changes, many enhancements and
bugfixes, here's the changelog:

* major changes/enhancements
  * First release compatible only with Java 7 or later
  * Code cleanup, drop deprecated features, improve unit tests
  * MapCSS:
    * Major performance improvements
    * Use MapCSS for the default map style
    * Add support for `canvas{fill-color}`, deprecate
    * Add support for alpha info in color property
    * Various improvements to default map style
    * Deprecate use of `length()` for lists, use new function `count()`
    * Add function `any()` according to MapCSS standard, deprecate
    * Add functions `min()` and `max()` according to standard
    * Make greater-than sign optional in child selectors
  * Add a Move Node onto Way action (opposite of Join Node to Way)
  * Add double-click selection mode (select polygons/multipolygons by a
double-click inside)
  * WMS: Improve support of transparent tiles
* minor enhancements
  * Extrude mode: new parameter `extrude.initial-move-threshold` (to tune
ignoring small movements)
  * Zoom: new parameter `zoom_to_selection_min_size_in_meter` to set the
minimum dimension of the area (in meters) for the "zoom to selection" action
  * Support `josmdir://` URIs for files inside JOSM config directory
  * Presets/Map styles:
    * Add `landuse=plant_nursery`, `barrier=swing_gate`
    * Add new `bridge` types; drop icons for `bridge=` on nodes
    * Add support for `alternative_autocomplete_keys` in presets, esp.
auto-complete `addr:street` also from `name`
    * Disable `no` value for some checkboxes in the preset dialog
* sub-minor enhancements
  * Show distance in status line when 2 nodes are selected
  * New command line option to enable debug level ''trace''
  * Add "call relation editor" to context menu of validator dialog
  * Jumping to play head marker when playing next audio

Summarized changelog:

Complete changelog:

Milestone view (need login):

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