With the recent move of some Github plugins (conflation and areaselector)
to our Github organization (https://github.com/JOSM), it is now possible
for us to handle i18n (almost) like any other plugin. That's what I did:

- checkout http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/editors/josm/
- usual i18n procedure (as described in README)
- checkin SVN:
  - https://trac.openstreetmap.org/changeset/30618/subversion
- checkin Github (we can access Github through SVN !):

I assume you can do the same just for areaselector.

2014-09-05 12:24 GMT+02:00 Dirk Stöcker <openstreet...@dstoecker.de>:

> On Fri, 5 Sep 2014, Paul Wölfel wrote:
>  yes I know you prefer SVN, but SVN does not fit my needs. That's the
>> reason why the plugin is on github.
> Everything has advantages and disadvantages.
>  I read the readme file, but it's not very verbose.
> Short description:
> After doing the normal gettext translations steps with pot, po, ... simply
> call the i18n.pl script like this:
> ./i18n.pl <targetdir> <po-files...>
> Result will be the .lang files. You always need to install the english one
> and additional the other languages.
>  So you don't want any other users to translate JOSM or it's plugins??
> Well. Translation infrastructure is pretty standard except the file format
> as described above. But managing translations is a lot of work. For the SVN
> this is automated. We don't support other ways in detail, everybody needs
> to care for it himself or improve the documentation and scripts himself.
>  I think how to translate should not be related on where it is hosted. If
>> it's easy to translate maybe more people would help to translate.
> Translation is more about infrastructure than about the possibility in
> code. We did setup infrastructure for the JOSM SVN's.
>  I found out how to generate the required files, but how do I edit them? I
>> want my plugin to be as easy to use as possible and that includes
>> localization. Shouldn't there be a guide for a plugin developer to
>> translate their on plugin?
> Which files? Po files are simple text. The lang files are direct binary
> conversion of the po files (we use own .lang instead of standard .mo as the
> results are much smaller which matters for a download tool).
> The gettext system is standard in open source software. We wont document
> this.
> Ciao
> --
> http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)
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