The November version is now available (a bit late!) as version 7777, with
our great new logo :)

I won't repeat the changelog here, see the annoucement for details:

Instead I'd like to ask if someone would help Harry Wood to write a small,
non-technical, blog post about JOSM.

If I quote him:

> It seems to me this is a good opportunity to have a blog post about JOSM

> Just a quick non-tech overview of what JOSM is. I guess any other
interesting information in and around this logo design work. So I've
started drafting something here:
> (very simple and non-technical you see)

> I doesn't need to be a long blog post though, so too many editors might
make it too long. I will have to chop bits out if that happens.

> My aim would be to post it ~next 48 hours.

So if someone's available to help him quickly, go ahead! That's another way
to help JOSM :)

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