
each year at the beginning of February our server sponsoring has to be renewed. End of last year I remembered I have to do it, but now I simply forgot to contact our Sponsor (www.hetzner.de). Well, they contacted me and asked if we still want. Hey, I really like these guys! Last year they invited me to a celebration at their server center and it was very interesting to see what they do to keep servers online all the time. Thanks a lot.

Also lots of thanks to all the JOSM contributors in the last year. If you follow the timeline of JOSM there are each day dozens or hundreds of entries (new tickets, wiki changes, source code changes, ...). And usually differing opinions between contributors are resolved without conflicts (which is not naturally the case in such projects).

I'm glad that JOSM is such an active and living project!

http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)

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