Hi all,

I’m a first year undergrad studying Information Technology from IIITA,

I wish to work on JOSM plugin Mapillary as part of GSoC this year.

I got my initial idea from the Project Ideas page(
about adding point data from Mapillary. I have used the plugin for a while
now, looked into tickets and open issues and came up with a few
improvements I would like to see in the plugin.

I have some ideas regarding these changes:


   Add point features to the plugin: I think this is already being
   implemented on Github. I want to know how much of this is complete and if
   some things will still be left to be done.

   Enhance editing of images and sequences, by showing and taking numerical
   data for coordinate and direction.

   Add download tab/dialog to view and manage downloads.

   Merge various dialogs into one or two as there are already 5 dialogs
   from the plugin.

   Fixing existing bugs and GUI interactions.

I would like to ask users if any of these changes are undesirable or if
they want to see any other changes being implemented.

I also request mentors to guide me on what skill other than Java would be
required for this plugin and if I can make this into a GSoC Project.


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