
Is there a JOSM icon style guide? What elements should be used to depict
different actions? E.g. I want to express move, that would be crossed
arrows like in the move map mode icon, right? Arrows in all directions
is zoom in/out or full screen. Do colors have a meaning? What are
recommended page sizes for map mode icons and menu icons?

Are there recommended icon sets that can be used as reference and that
have the right license to copy items?


Am 12.09.20 um 16:56 schrieb simson.gert...@gmail.com:
there were constantly made improvements in the last years for better
hidpi support in JOSM. Since the newest JOSM tested version 17013 all
internal icons are in svg (except Potlatch2 mappaint style icons).
However most plugins still use png icons.
This is a call to all plugin authors to follow and to transform all
icons of your JOSM plugins to svg (or reuse core icons if suitable are
available). You don't want your pixelated icons stand out between the
sharp core icons ;)
I recommend to clean your svgs with svgcleaner to keep the plugin jar
file size small.


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