Let nobody be discouraged by mails such as the one below, because that is 
not the initiative of the JY. Let us all as St Paul said rid ourselves of 
worthless discussions and concentrate on the fruits of the Spirit of which 
the foremost is love. Let us leave aside what the world is doing and 
concentrate on and spread the love of Christ. As you and me know very well, 
'nobody is perfect'. Hope and pray that nobody is discouraged by mails such 
as these. Also hope Joshua Paul - Achayan will return with more zeal and 
love for Christ.

Regards in Christ Jesus,

Samji / Dubai

>From: donald decruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [JOYnet] At last Achayan is out>>>
>Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 05:19:49 +0100 (BST)
>Date:  Mon, 20 Aug 2001 16:16:27 -0500
>From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Block
>Address | Add to Address Book
>Subject:       Re:unsubscribe_request
>This is the unsubscribe-request handler for JOYnet !!!
>You are unsubscribed from JOYnet.
>In case of any further help just get in touch with my
>administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, by sending a
>reply to this
>Thank you!!!
>List Admin
>Hi JoyNetters,
>See what happened to my friend Joshua, who was
>speaking some sense. Once you start speak up, this
>fate will come to you.
>So keep saying Halleluiah to your Leader and the web
>team, Glorify your leaders, Have a jolly good time
>talking silly things, Just forget about Jesus.
>Now you see who are the real Hypocrites.
>So Kids beware of whom you are following.
>Pray yourself and discern yourself, be shrewd, but
>Most of you are kids, studying, just dont waste your
>time for praising and glorifying your leader of the JY
>They are the masters, you are the servants.
>They have no other motive, except, shining by
>exploiting your valuable time. They think they are
>Beware of the Foxes.
>At the end Lord will decide which is the weed and
>which the real plants.
>Joshua was speaking for truth, but with out his
>permission he was delisted.
>Its so cheap.
>He asked me to write to convey this message to you
>He could have register in another name, and keep
>fighting for justice, but I Know him; he is a very
>busy man. I tell you he is honest. But I have doubts
>about your leaders.
>What you need is a spiritual director, a spirit filled
>priest to guide you, Have you got any one, except for
>namesake one. Or is he sleeping, I dont see his
>guidance in you net any where,
>Send a newsletter, share photos & files, conduct polls, organize chat 
>events. Visit http://in/ groups.yahoo.com
>This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
>To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For automatic help, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact 
>To know more about Jesus Youth, visit http://www.jesusyouth.org

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This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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