Dear brothers and sisters,
I was reflecting on my life recently. Am I leading a very comfortable life?
Does my life pass on the message of Christ to those who do not know Him? Are
people comfortable with me because I identify with them? Sometimes,in the
process of evangelisation,I try to identify with them and become a part of
their group. But are they influencing me now or am I influencing them?
If we could be challenging witnesses for Christ!!!!
With people around wanting to be like us and desiring for a relationship
with our God.
We will be  telling them so much about the miracles in our lives and about
the God who cares so personally that they envy us for it and strive to get a
hold of this God.
Please allow me to share a personal experience with you.
A few weeks back we had to take Angel,our daughter, to the hospital for her
vaccination.I had a lot of tension within me.I did n't want to see her
crying.So I prayed,"Lord please reduce her pain.Don't let her get shocked
and frightened because of the pain."I kept on praying and praising in
tongues waiting for the dreaded moment.When we reached the nurses' room,I
sat down with Angel on my lap ,facing a window.I was showing her the sights
outside.The moment the nurse came close,she looked at the syringe.The nurse
put the needle into her arm and took it out and our little Angel was coolly
watching this!!!(She did not show any signs of fear or pain). I cried out,"O
God!"The nurses were also standing with open mouths.I returned with a
grateful heart.
But could n't I have told them something of the joy of living with Christ??
After a retreat or a programme,I have told the Lord I would EVANGELISE many
a time.
God,have mercy on me for not doing what I promised  You.
Love & prayers,
Annie Berly/Cochin.

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