Okay, I just took a look at thickbox.js and want to know if all I have
to do is call TB_show(caption, url, rel); ?

I'll play around with this, but would love it if anyone could tell me
if they've had this need before and how they solved it.


On Apr 17, 4:13 pm, Chris Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've searched the archives, but didn't find what I was looking for. So
> if this has already been discussed and someone can point me to the old
> thread, that'd be awesome. Otherwise:
> Is it possible to trigger the opening of a thickbox without a link? In
> other words, I want to do this:
> <script>
> if(true){
>     open.thickbox.somehow(url, width, height, etc, etc, etc)
> }
> </script>
> Thanks,
> Chris

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