I apologize if this solution is posted, but I searched and trying to get
through hundreds of results is a bit painful.

So I have these titles: Create Reminder, Create Hold Status, Change State.
I want to bind a click event to all of them which will toggle the show/hide
attribute of a corresponding div.

So I have this:

        return false;
    });//end click

However, in this function I'm toggling the title link itself, which is NOT
what I want.  I want to toggle the corresponding div.  so, the titles look
like this in html:

<a href="#" class="reminder" id="areminder">Create Reminder</a>

I would like to use the id ("areminder") in this case to now toggle the div
"div_areminder".  How do I find the id of each of these a tags to apply
toggle like this:

    find id method
    $('#div_' + idofatag).toggle();


That's my question.  That you very much.  Have a nice day.

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