
Thanks for responding. I was under the gun so I ended up making the structures I needed to access global, and on the page in the iFrame, I just access them as 'parent.obj'. Actually, it ended up working really well for me.

Still, it would have been good to pass in that JSON string to my ColdFusion page, then have CF decode the JSON into native structures and then deal with everything that way. Instead, JavaScript is dynamically building the select box options that I needed to build (thanks to Sam Collett's select manipulation plug-in <http://http://www.texotela.co.uk/code/jquery/select/>).

In my very quick cursory glance at frameReady(), I didn't see where it would help me. I think some more reading on my part and perhaps a more explicit example dealing with my situation would help. ;o)

For now though, my stuff is working (whew).

Also, weren't you the one to hack up the ever popular (and really really nifty) dump script into a jQuery plug-in? If so, I found a bug (see this thread <http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_frm/thread/b139d103f4bf9f6a/#>).


Daemach2 wrote:
Here's another possible solution:



Christopher Jordan wrote:
Hi folks,

First let me say that I *did* search the list, and I *did* find a
thread or two on this subject, but the solutions I found there seemed
hokey to me.

The problem is I'm trying to pass a JSON string on the URL (I'm using
TB_show directly), and my most recent guess as to the problem is that
the string is too long. :o(

Here's the code that opens the TB:

TB_show("Model Dialog", "HELPER_SelectModel.cfm?Models=" + thisVehicle
+ "&keepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=90&width=300", null,

Where thisVehicle is the JSON encoded string.

Is there another approach I should take?

I hope someone can help.



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