
This could just be me, but I've never returned more than one value from the server via an ajax request. When I want multiple values, I use an array or a structure... or if I'm returning a fully formatted HTML page I return a single string with all of the markup in it.

I don't *think* is possible to pass back more than one value.


Hi, I'm trying to make an asynchronous ajax request in which I parse
data returned after the call.  However, the error handler is
repeatedly getting called, and the "msg" is always empty.  However, I
have verified by manually typing in the URL and params into a browser
the page works.  Here's my code

                var selectedVal = cat_elt.value;
                var url = "/admin/products/get_categories.php";
                var paramsArray = new Array();
                paramsArray[paramsArray.length] = "i=" +
                paramStr = paramsArray.join("&");
                $.ajax({type: "GET",
                        url: url,
                        data: paramStr,
                        dataType: "text",
                        error: function(request, msg){
                                alert( "Error upon saving request: " +
request + "\nmessage:" + msg );
                        success: function(responseData) {
                                var data = responseData.responseText;
                                loadSingleMenuElt(cat_elt, data);
                                cat_elt.value = selectedVal;

What's wrong?

Thanks, - Dave


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