I'm not seeing the temporary page with the chain of events that John describes below. Does this mean that a new host has been found and everything is back to 'normal', or has something else happened?

What's the latest news?


John Resig wrote:

I've updated the main page of the jQuery site with a description of
what's going on (may, or may not, work depending on your DNS
settings). Sorry for all the vagueness, this whole situation has been
incredibly stressful.

Here's the contents of the page, copy-and-pasted, in case you can't see it:

  Sat. May 5th 6pm: We suffered our second DDOS attack today and our
host has asked us to no longer host the jQuery site with them.
Effective immediately they have shut down all services on the jQuery
server and asked us to leave. This has taken us completely by surprise
and we're working to adapt.

  Sat. May 5th 11pm: Most of Saturday has been spent scrambling to
offload copies of files onto other servers and to find a new host. All
files have been backed up, so that is promising in-and-of itself.
Thanks to Karl for providing temporary storage during this ordeal.

  Sun. May 6th 1am: An order has been placed with Rimuhosting to
acquire a dedicated server for jQuery. We're hoping that the server
will be ready some time Sunday, or at the latest, Monday. All files
will be immediately moved over and attempts will be made to get
everything in order.

  Sun. May 6th 2pm: No update from Rimu as of yet, here's hoping they
come through in a reasonable amount of time.


On 5/6/07, Brad Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This was posted yesterday.


On 5/6/07, Matt Stith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> o.O  that doesnt look good...
> On 5/6/07, MrNase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > What happened to jquery.com?
> >
> >


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