Hi folks,

I've got a need for one of my functions to accept a callback function as a parameter (if that's even the right way to do it). Anyway, I'm having trouble and I'm hoping that someone here could help me.

This particular situation deals with a parent page, and a child page which is loaded inside of a thickbox window.

So the parent page has a function that looks like this:

function DisplayScreen(currentScreenString, methodName, contentID){
   if(arguments.length < 3){
       contentID = "MainContent";

       gCurrentScreen = currentScreenString;
       url: "CFC/Display.cfc",
       method: methodName,
       data: {},
       unnamedargs: false,
       serialization: "html",
       success: function(data) {
           $("#" + contentID).empty().append(data);
           // add the hover effect if possible...
       error: function(){
           DisplayScreen("homeScreen", "displayHomeScreen")

in the child window I've got a code snippet that looks like this:

if(parent.gCurrentScreen !== "newTitleLoanEvaluation"){
   elmLastName = parent.document.getElementById("LastNameID");
   elmFirstName = parent.document.getElementById("FirstNameID");
   elmCustomerNumber = parent.document.getElementById("CustomerNumberID");
elmLastName.value = data.LASTNAME;
   elmFirstName.value = data.FIRSTNAME;
   elmCustomerNumber.value = data.CUSTOMERNUMBER;

so what I'm doing is updating the parent page with some data that are the results of a search done in the child page. This is great if the parent page is already the one that I want updated, but the user can get to this search window from anywhere in the application, so what I need to do is switch the parent page to the one I'm wanting to update before I get the three elements (Last,First,CustomerNumber) and then try to set their values.

Since parent.DisplayScreen() itself makes an ajax call. So, I want a way to tell that function that once it's though if it's been called with a call back function it should execute it on return.

I feel like there's a simple concept I'm missing here. Essentially I *think* that my function definition would look something like:

function test(a, b, returnFunc){
   var c = a + b;

//... bah! This is where I go bananas. My first instinct is to say something like...
   eval(returnFunc); // but that seems wrong...

   //...so what about...

... but I don't want to waste time running down paths that may go nowhere. Can someone on the list give me a quick hand understanding how to do this?

Thanks heaps,


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