do, did, done..

joomlafreak wrote:
Done dna done!

On May 19, 11:22 am, jazzle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
done++; // or done += 1;

John Resig wrote:

Well, that's just weird; definitely trying to make $ with adwords.
This is the type of thing that you can ban a site for.
Here's what everyone can do:
1) Go to the site and click "Ads by Google" in the Adsense block.
2) Click the "Send Google your thoughts on the site or the ads you
just saw" link on the subsequent page.
3) Check "The site is hosting/distributing my copyrighted content"
3) Click "Also Report a Violation?" and check "the website"
4) Complete the form and submit it.
We'll have this guy banned in no time.
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