Thanks Rey. I know it's not official, but I help where ever I can.

One other place I get a fair amount of traffic for jQuery is on the ajaxCFC Yahoo! group. In fact I'm currently helping someone out (off-list) who was using the DWR branch of Ray's code, but who is now using the jQuery branch!


Rey Bango wrote:

Hey Chris,

You definitely do a stellar job of talking up jQuery and I'm really thankful for that. It makes my job as the jQuery Evangelism Lead that much easier. I really appreciate your efforts.

As for stats, we currently have 2302 signed up on the list so its a nice number of supporters!


Christopher Jordan wrote:

Just to make a comment on the community for a second. I must say that this is the first web community where I've felt welcome. I don't know if that's because I've been on the list (thanks to you Rey) since before jQuery had a version number, or because I rarely if ever see anyone discouraging anyone else because of their current ability level.

I'll tell you another thing. Anytime I get into a conversation on which JS library to use (usually over on CF-Talk, but sometimes other places too), not only do I always recommend jQuery, but I *always* make it a point to take the opportunity to tell folks about the jQuery community, and how awesome it is. Even though we're growing, and are probably quite large (any stats on the number of list subscribers, Rey?) it still feels very tight knit.

Anyway, those are my blubbery thoughts... I love you guys, man! *sniff* ;o)


Rey Bango wrote:

Thanks Tane. We really believe we have the best community out there and nurturing it is a project priority. Empowering the community is very important and we want you guys to drive the features as opposed to us imposing things on you. Hopefully, everyone will bare with us just a bit while we focus on finishing v1.1.3 and then jump on v1.2.

Also, if anyone has real concerns about these performance results, please don't hesitate to ask us about it. We'll be glad to address them and let you know whether its truly something that you should be concerned about or if its something that's more along the lines of FUD. Our core team is as talented as any out there so we do have the ability to give you answers based on real-world experiences.



Tane Piper wrote:

Again, another good thing about the jQuery community - you guys
actually listen to the community, and our wants and concerns.  A lot
could be said for other communities ruled with an iron fist, and
getting nowhere fast.

On 6/13/07, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We know that a lot of you have been concerned about the speed test
results recently generated by the SlickSpeed Selector Test Suite. We
understand your concerns and realize how tests like these can cause
misconceptions about real-world performance to those unfamiliar with
client-side development. As such, the team is committed to improving
selector performance and will begin looking into this after v1.1.3 is
officially released. Improvements could come in the form of an interim release or in jQuery v1.2, depending on the complexities of the changes
and how they tie into the overall core architecture.

John Resig, jQuery project team leader, will make a decision as to how these improvements will be implemented and will also make a formal blog posting about v1.2 soon after v1.1.3 is out of beta. We will continue to
focus on maintaining a small, feature-rich package but will consider
increasing jQuery's core size to accommodate improvements.

As you know, the jQuery project has one of the most enthusiastic and
supportive communities on the Net and its important to ensure that every
  jQuery developer feels like the project team is listening to their
concerns. We've certainly heard you and will be working to improve
selector speeds in the near future.

Thanks for all the feedback and support.

jQuery Project Team

BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775-1111 (o)
954-600-2726 (c)


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