There is a window.load event, and that's what you want to use:

So you want:

$(window).load(function() {
 // My stuff to do once all images are loaded...


On 6/14/07, GianCarlo Mingati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

the question may not be clear but what i would like to know is how do
you get the width of an image AFTER the image has fully downloaded.
I use this chunk of code: var pictWidth = this.find("img").width();
where "this" is the jQuery context.

If tested locally (images loads immediately) it works and i have the
image WIDTH in pixel, but if i search for anew image (not in cache eg:
on a web server)  the script is executed when the DOM is ready, It's
to soon, how do i say to jquery "get the width of image#myimage after
image#myimage ha fully downloaded?

For what i understand jQuery only have a DOM iS Ready function.

I would need a window.load function.
in fact on that page, the gallery won't work correctly if you don't
REFRESH the page. When reloaded the images are displayed on the fly
and the trick of getting the width of the images works.

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