Thanks! I'll give that a go! :o)


Ganeshji Marwaha wrote:
yes, u r right, u have to have one of those applications... i have used both script debugger and script editor. both are ok... so, first download and install it... and then follow the instructions that is given on the top of the blog entry. This should result in ur view->script debuggger menu...

if it doesnt, then goto options, disable script debbugging, the close IE, then open IE again, then enable script debugging again, then close IE and then open IE again. it should work...


On 6/27/07, *Chris Jordan* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Thanks heaps, Mike! I've a question though.

    That blog entry you point to says:

    "When you've enabled Script Debugging 'View->Script Debugger' will now
    be present to help you break into the debugger."

    But, I'm not finding that's the case. Also, it goes on to talk about
    three applications that the author has used for script debugging. Do I
    have to have one of those in order to debug? Why don't I have the
    'View->Script Debugger'? Have you used this debugger in IE? How many
    angels can dance on the head of a pin? What are the eleven secret
    herbs and spices in Kentucky Fried Chicken? Can God make a rock so
    heavy even He can't lift it? Are you tired of my questions yet? ;o)

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks again,

    On Jun 26, 11:07 am, "Mike Alsup" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
    > IE has a powerful script debugger, but you have to enable it.
    > Details can be found here:
    > Mike
    > > I've got a bit of a problem where by I get a JavaScript syntax
    error in
    > > IE6, but everything works fine (no errors show in firebug) in
    FF <>.


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