Is there an option to not turn on the bolding for the search results?

On 6/28/07 3:14 PM, "Shelane Enos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I changed options to this: {minChars: 3, delay: 300, max: 1000, mustMatch:
> true, cacheLength: 1, matchSubset: false}
> Here is another oddity:
> If I type 'cal poly' everything I've typed simply disappears.  I'm sure this
> is due to the must match, but it happens while I'm still in that field.
> 'cal pol' has matches. Would it make sense to clear it out when the user
> exits the field if it doesn't match?  If I type too fast, I might not notice
> that cal pol has results and cal poly does not.  Maybe we can have a
> ac_error style with an error icon (where the loading icon displays) to show
> "no results" to the user?
> On 6/28/07 3:02 PM, "Shelane Enos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> OK, since I do want a "mustMatch" scenario, I shouldn't worry about the
>> first firing of the autocomplete?
>> I see a couple of different options related to caching: matchSubset,
>> cacheLength.  Do I need to set cacheLength to 1 and matchSubset to false?
>> So because of the "comma" even with multiple by default being false, I need
>> to set multipleSeparator to something? Do I need to set anything else?
>> On 6/28/07 2:54 PM, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> OK, I'm responding to multiple emails here.
>>>> There is no result or search being called. There is a value attribute in
>>>> the
>>>> field, but no value.
>>> It's the mustMatch that's triggering the AJAX call. When the autocomplete()
>>> is called, it calls the hideResultsNow() function--which if the mustMatch is
>>> true, calls the search() function. It's the search() that causes the AJAX
>>> operation.
>>> The search() method probably shouldn't be called if the current value is
>>> blank.
>>>> I changed the option and now that's working.
>>>> I think the arrows down in "more" is what is a little deceiving.  That's
>>>> what made me try to click on it.
>>> Maybe, but it was a feature that was asked for. Just disable it. :)
>>> Perhaps we'll make the default option false.
>>>> You'll see a couple of examples to try on my page of some other problems
>>>> (selected options from the list not being allowed??) only an option that
>>>> "starts with" what is typed is allowed.
>>>> My actual query on the server is like this:
>>>> if: (action_param: 'q');
>>>> var: 'q' = (action_param: 'q')->(split: ' '), 'filter' = string;
>>>> iterate: $q, (var: 'qval');
>>>>    $filter += "AND school like '%" $qval "%' ";
>>>> /iterate;
>>>> $filter->(RemoveLeading: 'AND');
>>>> var: 'sql' = "select distinct school from universities where " $filter "
>>>> ORDER BY school";
>>>> inline: -database='candidates', -sql=$sql, -maxrecords='all',
>>>> -username=(global: 'su'), -password=(global: 'sp');
>>>> records;
>>>>    field('school') '\n';
>>>> /records;
>>>> /inline;
>>>> /if;
>>>> So "ca poly" would result in this query:
>>>> select distinct school from universities where school like '%ca%' AND
>>>> school
>>>> like '%poly%'
>>>> This schools list is encompassing most schools in the US and many from
>>>> around the world.  Sometimes even a "narrow" search isn't narrow enough,
>>>> which is why I set a high "max".  For instance, there are many schools in
>>>> Los Angeles.
>>> You really should disable caching for what you're trying to do. The problem
>>> is you're expect your query to always run, but the cache will prevent the
>>> query from running again.
>>> When it's searching the cache, it's only going to pull in matches of the
>>> *exact* phrase.
>>>> I noticed something else odd with the cache results (maybe it was me
>>>> selecting the wrong option).
>>>> I want to return all univ in ca.  since they are formed like "univ of ca"
>>>> or
>>>> "ca state univ", I just type "univ ca"  if I run this query directly in the
>>>> database, it returns 115 results, but the autocomplete is limiting it to 1
>>>> "univ catolica, Nicaragua" (and even if I select it, nothing happens).
>>> Once again, in the Cache, autocomplete is going to look for exact matches
>>> only.
>>> As for why values with commas aren't be selected, I think there must be a
>>> bug with mustMatch and the new "multiple" feature. Try changing the
>>> multipleSeparator option to something like "~" (or another character that
>>> won't appear in the output.)
>>> -Dan

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